Install Filemaker 19.5 via PDQ
Install Filemaker 19.5 via PDQ IF THE MACHINE IS ONLINE IN PDQ:
1. Open PDQ Inventory, and find the machine in question in the list of machines. If the machine is
online in PDQ, then you can push the Filemaker 19.5 Install package to the machine.
2. Simply Right-click the machine in PDQ Inventory, choose the Tools Menu, then PDQ Deploy.
3. Once you select PDQ Deploy from the tools menu, PDQ Deploy will open with the machine in
question already selected and will display a list of packages.
Select the Filemaker 19.5 Install package by double-clicking on it. Then press OK.
4. This will open the Deployment Window. Verify your target name is correct, as well as the
package name, then press deploy now.
5. You will now see the Deployment Status window where you can monitor the installation.
Steps to install Filemaker 19.5 Manually
If the machine is not online in PDQ or there is some issue preventing a push from PDQ, you can
install Filemaker 19.5 Manually.
1. Ensure the user is on the VPN.
2. Manually copy this folder down to the users machine in C:\temp
\\mas-legacy-01\IT\Software\Filemaker Pro\FileMaker Pro 19.5.2\Files
3. Once the folder is copied to C:\Temp on the user's machine, open PowerShell as an
Administrator and run the following command:
C:\temp\files\FileMaker Pro 19.msi /qn
This will install Filemaker 19.5 silently, using the assisted install document that’s in the
folder to set any options necessary.
If any issues with either of the above methods, please reach out to Craig or Winter,